Friends of Broomfield Hospital Meeting

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Friends of Broomfield Hospital  meeting in St Leonard's Hall starting at 2.30pm

Choir Practice

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Choir Practice in St Leonard’s Hall starting at 4.15pm

People and Stone Talk

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

People and Stone Talk in Church 'Roman Broomfield' starting at 2pm Tickets £5.00 with raffle and refreshments.

Parish Eucharist Service

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Parish Eucharist Service in Church 9.30 am followed by coffee in St Leonard's Hall

Parish Eucharist

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Parish Eucharist in Church - 9.30am followed by refreshments in St Leonard's Hall

Pancake Party

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Pancake Party in St Leonard's Hall starting at 4pm

Film & Lunch Club

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Film & Lunch Club in St Leonard's Hall starting at 12.30pm bring your own lunch.

Churchyard Working Party

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Churchyard Working Party 9.00am – 12.noon

Mid-week Eucharist: Ash Wednesday

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Mid-week Eucharist in Church with the Imposition of Ashes starting at 10.30;am followed by Coffee Morning in St Leonard's Hall

Baffled by the Bible

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Baffled by the Bible  in St Leonard's Hall 1.45pm – 3.00pm

Bell Ringing in the Tower

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Bell Ringing in the Tower 7.45pm-9.00pm

Thursday Thanksgiving

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Thursday Thanksgiving in Lady Chapel starting at 9.30am