To bring the life and works of this remarkable but largely forgotten artist to the attention of the wider community, this permanent exhibition was opened on 25th March 2023.

Before and after
This exhibition summarises Rosemary’s life and extraordinary artistic achievements. Models reveal how fresco and stained glass are made. Some of her remarkable range of drawings and paintings are shown, including wartime artwork and flower paintings. Her spiritual, caring nature and brilliant artistry shine through.
The exhibition was opened on Saturday 25th March 2023 by Rosemary’s niece, Jenny, following a talk on Rosemary’s life and works by team member Naomi Courtenay-Luck (Jenny’s daughter).

How we created the exhibition
The exhibition was made possible following a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
We are also grateful to the following donors for help with this project:
Friends of Essex Churches
The Round Tower Churches Trust
FSJ Charities
Ian M Foulerton Charitable Trust
Congregational and General Charitable Trust
Tom Amos Charity
Jennings Fine Art
Walter Farthing Trust
Essex Society for Archaeology and History

A booklet illustrating Rosemary’s life and works is on sale in the exhibition area, together with other relevant publications. It was prepared by the exhibition team and edited by Rosemary’s great niece Naomi Courtenay-Luck.