Little Lambs

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Little Lambs in St Leonard’s Hall 10.00am-11.30am

Open Church

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Church Open for private prayer and the Rutherford Project: 10.30am - 12.30pm

Open Garden

2a Hearsall Avenue

Ros and Ian Mercer's Open Garden - Saturday 1st July 2a Hearsall Avenue, Broomfield.

Parish Eucharist

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Parish Eucharist  9.30am – 10.30am:  Followed by refreshments in St Leonard’s Hall

Evening Prayer

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Evening Prayer at 5.30pm

Morning Prayer Mon-Fri

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer Monday - Friday 9.00am - 9.30am

Churchyard Working Party

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Churchyard Working Party

Friends with Faith

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Friends with Faith in the Committee room 10am – 11.30am

Light Group

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Light Group in St Leonard’s Hall: 5.30pm – 6.30pm

Baffled by the Bible

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Baffled by the Bible in the Committee room. 1.45pm-3.00pm