Open Church

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Open Church for private prayer and Rutherford Project - 10.30am - 12.20pm

Choir Practice

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Choir Practice  4.15pm

Church Walls Tour

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Church Walls Tour: Identify the stones and discuss where they came from. Tickets £5.00. Raffle and Refreshment.

Trinity Sunday: Parish Eucharist

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Trinity Sunday: Parish Eucharist 9.30am followed by refreshments in St Leonoard's Hall

Afternoon Tea

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Afternoon Tea to celebrate Canon John's 50th anniversary of his ordination - All are welcome

Evening Prayer

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Evening Prayer at 5.30pm

Morning Prayer: Mon-Fri

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday. 9am

Churchyard Working Party

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Churchyard Working Party - 9am - 12noon

Friends with Faith

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Friends with Faith in the Committee room 10am - 11.30am

Church Open

St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Church Open for private prayer and the Rutherford Project: 10.30am - 12.30pm

Light Group

St Leonard's Hall St Leonard's Hall, Broomfield, Essex, United Kingdom

Light Group in St Leonard's Hall: 5.30pm - 6.30pm