St Mary's Church St Mary's Broomfield Parish Church, Broomfield, Essex, United KingdomBaptism in Church 12noon
Baptism in Church 12noon
Churchyard Working Party 9.00am - 12.noon
Church Open 10.30am - 12.30pm
Thanksgiving on a Thursday in the Lady Chapel 9.30am - 10.00am
Church Open 10.30am - 12.30pm
Ladies Group: A talk by an Ambassador from a local cancer charity starting at 2pm -
Churchyard Working Party 9.00am - 12.noon
Choir Practice in St Leonard’s Hall starting at 4.15pm
Parish Eucharist starting at 9.30am
Bereavement Service: A time to remember,,, 3.00pm
BCP Holy Communion starting at 5.30pm
Churchyard Working Party 9.00am - 12.noon