Baffled by the Bible:
Baffled by the Bible: meet at 68, Longshots, Broomfield starting at 1.45
Baffled by the Bible: meet at 68, Longshots, Broomfield starting at 1.45
Bell Ringing Practice in the Tower 7.45pm-9.00pm
Little Lambs in St Leonard's Hall starting at 10.00am - 12.00noon
Organ Society
Parish Eucharist
Evening Prayer
Churchyard Working Party 9.00am – 12.noon
Light Group, in St Leonard’s Hall starting at 5.30pm
Bell Ringing Practice in the Tower 7.45pm-9.00pm
Light Group, in St Leonard’s Hall starting at 5.30pm
Light Group, in St Leonard’s Hall starting at 5.30pm
Light Group, in St Leonard’s Hall starting at 5.30pm